Donations Policy

IAIS Malaysia accepts donations from all bona fide sources, personal as well as corporate, local as well as international.

Receipts will be issued for all donations of RM 5,000.00 or more. Donations are tax deductible. Our pledge is that your contributions will only be used to realise the objectives of the Institute as indicated in our vision and mission statements.

Please make out your cheque payable to:

International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia

Mail to:

International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia,

P.O. Box 12303, Pejabat Pos Besar, 50774 Kuala Lumpur.


Make a direct TT (Telegraphic Transfer) to our bank account:

CIMB Islamic Bank Account No.: 8600339794  (Swift Code CIBBMYKL)

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.