Venue : IAIS Malaysia
Date & Time : Friday 12 November 2010, 10::00am - 12:15pm
Speaker 1 :
Professor Graham Ward,
Professor of Contextual Theology and Ethics and Head of School of Arts, Histories and Cultures,
The University of Manchester, England
- Topic: The New Visibility of Religion in the Public Sphere
Speaker 2 :
Dr Mohd Ghazali Mohd Nor,
Consultant, Tenaga Strategi Consultancy, Kuala Lumpur
(formerly Director of Strategic Planning, Islamic Development Bank Group, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia)
- Topic: Religion in the Public Sphere: the Malaysian Experience (1970 onwards)
Respondent : Professor Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Chairman & CEO, IAIS Malaysia
Moderator : Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar, Deputy CEO, IAIS Malaysia