Forum on 1Malaysia


The 1Malaysia concept has been a favourite topic of conversation among Malaysians soon after it was announced by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak upon his assumption of office as the country’s sixth Prime Minister. Many Malaysians are, however, still vague about the concept. They are interested to know more about it especially from those considered to be close to Datuk Seri Najib’s government. Given this urgent need for a better informed public on government policies, IAIS feels it has a role to play in promoting constructive dialogues among various sectors of society on such an important issue as the 1Malaysia concept. IAIS hopes this forum can contribute to a meaningful dialogue on the concept and its wide-ranging practical implications for Malaysia.

Panel Members

  1. Dr Chandra Muzaffar, Chairman, Yayasan 1Malaysia
  2. Datuk Dahan Abdul Latiff, Executive Director, Tabung Amanah Muhibah (TAMU)
  3. Datuk A. Kadir Jasin, Editor In Chief, Berita Publishing Sdn. Bhd.
  4. Dr K J John, Executive Director, Oriental Hearts and Mind Study Institute (OHMSI)
  5. Dr Asma Abdullah, Intercultural & Cross Cultural Matters Specialist

Moderator: Professor Dr. Mohammad Hashim Kamali, Founding Chairman & CEO, IAIS Malaysia.

Summary of 1Malaysia Forum

On 24th July 2009 IAIS convened a Round Table Discussion on the 1Malaysia concept – a platform announced by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak upon his becoming the country’s sixth Prime Minister last April. The speakers were: Datuk Dahan Abdul Latiff (Executive Director, Tabung Amanah Muhibah), Dr Chandra Muzaffar (Chairman of the newly founded Yayasan 1Malaysia), Dr K J John (Executive Director, Oriental Hearts & Mind Study Institute), Datuk A. Kadir Jasin (Editor In Chief, Berita Publishing Sdn. Bhd.), and Dr Asma Abdullah (Specialist in Intercultural & Cross Cultural Matters) – in that order.

Datuk Dahan clarified the government’s understanding and intent for 1Malaysia; Professor Chandra Muzaffar eloquently addressed the rationale and mission of this new initiative; Dr John provided a complementary view from the perspective of non-Malay Malaysians; Datuk Kadir offered pithy critical questions on the government’s approach to unity among its citizens; and Dr Asma brought practical suggestions on how to implement and entrench this initiative with the help of educational and professional activities. A lively question period followed, with the general impression that a better understanding of the 1Malaysia idea was achieved.