Speaker: Mr. Ken Lewis, Representative of Canada in Kandahar (RoCK)
Chairperson: Zarina Nalla, MBA (Uni of Birmingham) M.A. Intl. Studies (SOAS, Uni of London), Co-Founder & COO, IAIS Malaysia.
Venue: IAIS Malaysia Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti, Kuala Lumpur.
In January of 2009, Ken Lewis began his time in Kandahar Province as the RoCK (Representative of Canada in Kandahar). As the most senior civilian in the South of Afghanistan, Ken leads the Government of Canada’s coordinated diplomatic and reconstruction efforts in close cooperation with the Canadian Forces. Immediately prior to taking up this position, Ken was Minister (Commercial) at the Canadian Embassy in Beijing, China where he headed up the Commercial and Economic Program building on his work in Ottawa as Director of the China and Mongolia Division at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Ken has had many Asia-related assignments throughout his distinguished foreign service career. He was Senior Trade Commissioner for Canada in Jakarta, Indonesia (1999-2003) and in Bangkok, Thailand (1995-1999). Earlier he served in the Canadian Embassies in Korea and Japan and the Canadian High Commission in Malaysia. In Ottawa, he has been Senior Departmental Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State (Asia Pacific); Director of the Asia Pacific Regional Coordination Division spearheading Canada’s APEC participation; and Senior Policy Advisor in the Trade Negotiations Office during the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations in the latter part of the 1980’s.
Ken studied political science and geography at the University of Guelph and has an MA (International Relations) from Dalhousie.
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